Clinical Creative Supervision is a reflective process that supports professionals and trainees in fields such as psychotherapy, arts therapies, psychology, social work, healthcare, and education. It uses dialogue and creativity to encourage practitioners explore their professional role holistically and bring fresh perspective in their work.
It is an approach that offers:
- interactive exploration through creative mediums such as drawing, writing, movement, role-play, music, and images. These tools help practitioners tap into deeper insights through the senses and imagination, which might remain untapped through verbal discussion alone.
- knowledge in depth by equipping practitioners to support their clients effectively. It facilitates exploration of both conscious and unconscious material, process complex dynamics and problems, and fosters new viewpoints and solutions.
- safe and supportive space for practitioners to reflect on their experiences, navigate personal and professional challenges, express emotions, and access inner strengths, developing self-awareness and deeper understanding of their professional role.
- well-being, enabling practitioners to manage stress, prevent burnout, practice self-care, have creativity, and be connected with the meaning and joy in their work.